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Publishing Tucson, book publishing tucson, self publishing tucson, book design tucson, book selling tucson, book marketing tucson, ebook conversion tucson, book typing tucson
Publishing Tucson, book publishing tucson, self publishing, tucson, book design tucson, book selling tucson, book marketing tucson, ebook conversion tucson, book typing tucson
Publishing Tucson, book publishing tucson, self publishing tucson, book design tucson, book selling tucson, book marketing tucson, ebook conversion tucson, book typing tucson

R-Team 2020 Financial Services Directory

2020 Directory is SOLD OUT!
Taking entries for the 2022 directory starting in January 2022.
Dear Financial Professional,
Do you love your Raytheon clients? Would you like more?
There are thousands of well paid Raytheon employees that are planning for the future. A lot of them need professional help. Many have just moved to Tucson. Many more are being hired each month. You need to be in front of all these people to reach out to them and make them your clients.
There are also many that may be retiring soon too because of the upcoming merger.
The RTEAM magazine, the official Raytheon employee monthly magazine, is preparing a Tucson Financial Services Directory for publication in the February, March and April 2020 issues.
Here's how your business will benefit by being in the directory:
3 months exposure (February, March and April issues) in both the print version and the eMagazine version
Your business listed by name, including description, phone number, contact information and website in the print version in all 3 issues
A clickable eLink directly to your website in the eMagazine version for all 3 issues
5000 print magazines distributed among the Raytheon Tucson campuses
13,000+ eMagazine distribution 3x per month to all employees via their email
All for only $299 total.
You are invited to grow your business while improving your reach to the local Raytheon employee group.